Embarking on a journey from classrooms of education to the world of fashion, Lisa, a dedicated primary school teacher for over two decades, found her true calling as a personal stylist. With a childhood dream deeply rooted in the desire to make a difference in people’s lives through style and confidence, Lisa transitioned seamlessly into her newfound passion. Keep on reading to see how Lisa’s path as a stylist has evolved after leaving her 20-year career in teaching.
Q: Hi Lisa, lovely to have you here, am really looking forward to hearing all about life after you decided to jump full throttle into your styling business. I would love to know, what did you do before becoming a stylist?
A: Primary School Teacher for over 20 years!
Q: Wow that must have been such a rewarding career just like styling is but in different ways! Why did you feel personal styling was the job for you?
A: I have wanted to work in this industry since I was little
Q: It’s wonderful to hear that you already had that vision and passion since you were little, and you have now made that become reality! How does this fit in to your life?
A: I juggle my styling business around my 3 girls (who are my biggest cheerleaders)
Q: Juggling a business alongside the demands of motherhood is no easy feat, but having such enthusiastic support from your daughters must make all the difference. Why did you feel personal styling was the job for you?
A: I love helping people (mainly woman) with their style & confidence, helping them become the best version of themselves. I have always loved talking and helping people too.
Q: Lisa your passion for helping women enhance their style and confidence shines through brightly, reflecting a genuine desire to empower others. Keep shining your light and making a positive impact on those around you! So, what’s the best thing about being a personal stylist?
A: This is such a hard question! I love it all. But I think the best part is seeing my client’s transformations once they have worked with me. That may be through seeing their WOW colours to wear, how to dress for their shape, having a wardrobe that my clients love or seeing their confidence soar during personal shopping.
Q: I feel a lot of us stylists can relate to this, seeing the transformations is so rewarding and as you mentioned seeing their confidence soar is priceless! So, what’s been the greatest challenge in your styling career so far?
A: I think my greatest challenge was when I was juggling teaching and my business as I was so pushed for time. Since leaving the classroom in July I now have more time to build the business.
Q: You have done amazing jumping straight into your styling business and you have been getting involved and stuck in our stylist community which has been great to see. More of a personal question, how would you describe your own style?
A: My style is a mix of feeling chic with a little bit of edge. I love to wear something a little bit different- be it bright colours (such as my pink tailored suit) or my silver jeans & waistcoat.
Q: Yes, I can definitely see that! I love a bit of pink too! Your part of our stylist community, what do you enjoy the most about this?
A: I love this community so much. Super supportive and no question is a daft one. Everyone wants you to succeed and we are always helping one another. Don’t know where I’d be without it!
Q: That’s great to hear, yes, it’s a super safe place to ask questions at The Image Consulting Company. I love how involved you get in the community Lisa, always asking questions and helping others. If you have completed any training courses with The Image Consulting Company. How did you find the training?
A: The Colour training was excellent- so thorough and made me feel like an expert at the end. I love how the ongoing support is still there even after the training has finished. I loved both the in person & the online element to it. Emmeline knows her stuff and is fab at delivering the training.
Q: Thank you, Lisa, that’s music to my ears! I love supporting you through our training sessions and seeing what you have learnt come to life! What advice would you give someone who was considering personal styling as a job?
A: Go for it. Don’t over think it and enjoy it. Find a supportive network who will help you.
Q: Great advice! I totally agree, it’s hard when you first start out comparing what others are doing, but you just need to focus on yourself and your business and you will love it! What do you know now, that you wished you knew at the beginning of your journey?
A: To believe in yourself
Q: Totally self-belief is the key to unlocking your true potential and achieving your dreams! For the last question what does the future hold for you?
A: I’m really excited for 2024 – hope to work with more brands, launch something new, my style community will love and to enjoy styling more clients.
I am really excited for you Lisa, and it’s been a pleasure seeing you seamlessly transition from a fulfilling career in teaching to pursuing your dream as a personal stylist. Looking forward to watching your journey and all the new opportunities you embrace.
May Lisa’s journey serve as inspiration for your own styling endeavors, whether you’re embarking on a new path or aiming to progress in the field
To connect with Lisa, you can follow her on Instagram here @lisa.loves.style